Employment at MTLPS
We welcome you to join our collaborative team!
Current Open Positions - as of 6/1/2022
Teacher Assistant: see job description and apply in link or below: https://prhga.acquire4hire.com/careers/details.json?id=46759&source=17
Substitute Teachers: submit information below
Submit Professional Information here:
We always accept applications for substitutes and teachers.
If you are interested in working at Midtown Lutheran Preschool, please submit a cover letter, resume, and 3 references, and any other information you feel is applicable to the job (ie. online portfolio, website, etc.) to Kate Elkins (preschool director) at preschool@redeemer.org (no phone calls please).
Positions we are in often search of:
General education teachers - must be willing to work with any age group 1-4 years
German speaking teachers - must be both fluent and literate - must be willing to work with any age group
Assistant teachers - English and/or German fluent
Substitute teachers
Special interest teachers: art, movement, music, etc.
All candidates must be enthusiastic about working in a very collaborative, flexible team environment.
Experience and background in early childhood education or related field
Age 21+
Value and knowledge of play-based, emergent curriculum models (ie. Project Approach, Reggio Emilia)
Understanding of curriculum, learning standards, and lesson plan implementation
Strong communication skills
Physical ability to play on floor, pick up children, walk and run with ease
Flexible, reliable, committed, collaborative
Value a positive discipline/guidance philosophy
Value, and willingness to participate in, Christian traditions (prayer, religious perspectives of holidays, etc.)
Positions are part time, approximately 12-28 hours per week (school day hours 8:30A-1:30P, plus planning and meetings). Employees must pass a background check before hire. At this time we cannot offer insurance benefits or visa sponsorships.